How to Get Rid of Damaging Common Brown Norway Street & Sewer Rats in Salt Lake City, UT

The Norway rat (rattus norgegicus) is also commonly known as the brown rat, street rat, sewer rat, Hanover rat, common rat, Norwegian rat, and wharf rat. As the many names imply, the Norway rat is one of the most common and well-known rats found in North America.

When Did Norway Rats Come to America?

It is believed that the Norway rat arrived in North American on ships coming from Europe as early as 1775. Today the Norway rat inhabits many areas across the entire United States. In its natural setting, the rat will aerate soil when digging burrows as well as ensuring the livelihood of many plant species by scattering seeds. In urban settings, the rat can damage structures and spread disease when moving into homes and outbuildings.

Brown Norway Rat Identification

The Norway rat is generally nocturnal but may be seen during the day if food sources are scarce. The fur is typically coarse in appearance and can appear brown, reddish or gray in color with whitish-grey fur on the underbelly. They are known to reach lengths of seven to ten inches (not including their five to eight-inch tail), making them one of the largest species of rats found in residential homes.

Diet & Habitat of the Norway Rat Rodent

The diet of the Norway rat includes plants, seeds, and insects along with small mammals such as mice. Once established in a home, they will hunt for grains, meat, fish, nuts, and fruit than can be found in pantries and kitchens along with items of food that have been discarded in trash cans in and outside the home. The natural habitat of the Norway rat includes fields that are close to water sources such as streams or creeks. Residential homes have the ability to provide shelter, warmth, water, and food; all in one convenient location. Once in the home, the Norway rat prefers to reside on ground floors, garages, and basements.

Rodent Proofing Your Home from Rat & Mice Damage

Norway rats have an extraordinary sense of smell which makes residential homes an easy target. Norway rats are extremely pliant and can enter buildings through spaces as small as half an inch in diameter. They can also burrow and chew through any existing cracks in walls, floors, doors and window sills. The Norway rat is responsible for millions of dollars in damage to residential homes and commercial buildings each year including structural damage to foundations, damage to electrical wires, water pipes, and insulation.

Bacteria & Disease Spread by Rats & Mice to Humans

Norway rats are known carriers of disease and they can easily contaminate food and food preparation surfaces. Their waste products also carry diseases including typhus, leptospirosis trichinosis, and food poisoning illnesses.

Rodent Prevention & Exclusion Tips

To prevent Norway rats from taking up residence in your home, contact the knowledge experts at Rentokil for professional rodent prevention, exclusion, trapping and removal services. Your rodent control specialist will educate you on sealing holes and creating a barrier around your home along with providing information about a Rentokil comprehensive lawn care service to remove tall weeds and long grass around the perimeter of your home. This will minimize the Norway rat’s ability to hide close to your home before attempting to gain access.

Need for Bird Control Methods in Preston, ID; Roof Damage Caused by Droppings & Diseases Humans Can Catch

Nuisance birds are responsible for causing literally millions of dollars in property damage each year along with the spread of parasites and diseases which can present a major health issue within the affected community. Utah has a large bird population and some of the most common nuisance birds include woodpeckers, magpies, pigeons, sparrows, starlings, swallows, Northern flickers, nuthatch, Canadian geese, and seagulls.

Roof Damage Caused by Bird Droppings

Bird droppings by nature are extremely acidic and can eat away at a variety of the materials used in roofing production. If droppings are allowed to accumulate and roofing materials destroyed, it can lead to leaks and other damage. According to roofing experts, the life expectancy of a commercial roof can be diminished by up to 50% by the continuous pollution of bird droppings. Bird droppings are also responsible for damaging air conditioning equipment and building siding and insulation.

Bird Nests & the Potential for Fire

Starlings, sparrows, and pigeons are renowned for building nests in drains and rain gutters. Commercial buildings, in particular, can experience extreme damage which may result in a collapsed roof if drainage systems are blocked and standing water rises and has nowhere to drain. Birds have a tendency to build their nests from items including straw, twigs, pieces of twine, human hair, animal fur, and dried bird droppings. All of these materials can be extremely flammable increasing the potential for fire exponentially especially when nests are constructed inside electric business signs. Insurance companies pay out millions of dollars per year as a result of these types of fires. Bird nests built in chimneys can also cause fires along with the spread of disease.

Bird Diseases Humans Can Catch

The three most common nuisance birds found in Utah include the pigeon, starling and house sparrow. All three examples have adapted to living in urban environments. Not only have they become a nuisance, but they are also responsible for the spread of diseases which pose a serious health risk for those individuals infected.
Some examples of transmissible diseases that are associated with pigeons, starlings and house sparrows include:
Histoplasmosis – a respiratory disease that is caused by a fungus found in bird droppings
Candidiasis – a fungus infection spread by pigeons that can affect the skin, mouth, intestines and female genitals.
Cryptococcosis – a fungus infection which first begins as a pulmonary disease which can also affect the central nervous system
St. Louis Encephalitis – inflammation of the nervous system which may result in paralysis, coma or death spread by mosquitoes which have fed on infected pigeons, finches, and house sparrows.
Salmonellosis – a form of food poisoning caused by bacteria found in contaminated bird droppings that can enter air conditioning units and contaminate food and cooking surfaces.
E.coli – a form of food poisoning transmitted through infected bird droppings which can contaminate food and water supplies.

Bird Control

Apart from being carriers of disease, nuisance birds are known to carry over 50 kinds of disease-causing parasites including lice, fleas, bed bugs, chicken mites, and yellow mealworms (beetle parasites). If you are concerned about nuisance birds, the damage they can cause to your property or the spread of disease in Utah, contact the knowledgeable professionals at Rentokil today and speak with a friendly customer service provider about nuisance bird removal, deterrents, and exclusion today!

Compare & Contrast of Occasional Pest Invader Centipedes & Millipedes in Park City, UT

Millipedes and centipedes may look the same at first glance but there are differences between them. Neither will damage your home, but both may leave a stain if crushed. During the late summer and fall, they will leave the soil and leaf litter outside and crawl into our homes looking for shelter over the winter. Centipedes and millipedes will stay inside until spring where they will emerge from the cracks and crevices where they spent the winter. They do not carry diseases that affect people, animals or plants.

Differences in Appearance, Diet & Habitat of Centipedes & Millipedes

Centipedes and millipedes are both thin and long arthropods with lots and lots of legs. Centipedes move quickly, have mandibles that can give a venomous bite and only have one pair of legs per body segment while millipedes move slowly, do not have a venomous bite and have two legs per body segment. Both centipedes and millipedes resemble insects but are classified as arthropods because they have many sections whereas, insects have three body segments. Centipedes are carnivores and kill their prey by injecting them with venom. They feed on soft-bodied insects like worms, spiders and other arthropods. Millipedes are scavengers and prefer to feed on organic matter like decaying leaves and wood. Centipedes can be found under stones and boards, under moist wood, sticks and leaf litter while millipedes prefer areas where there are mulch, leaves and moist wood chips.

Defensive Behavior of Centipedes & Millipedes

The bite of a centipede can kill small prey but is not usually life-threatening to humans. Millipedes do not have stingers but will use secretions that are produced in order to protect themselves. Millipedes will also curl their bodies as a defense mechanism. Centipedes will on occasion bite humans, but a severe reaction to their venom is rare. That being said, anyone who has allergies, the elderly or small children should be monitored after a centipede bite. If there seems to be a reaction or you are concerned, you should contact a medical professional.

Centipede & Millipede Prevention

Preventing and controlling both of these pests is pretty much the same. Killing or capturing them when you see them is one way to control them. You can also use a spray to kill them or simply step on them. Sticky traps work well too. Because centipedes will feed on other insects, you need to eliminate them from your home. Keeping your house dry will prevent them from finding a home inside yours, so the drier you keep your home, the better. All entrances to your home should be sealed off, so walk around with a caulking gun in hand to seal up any cracks and check around any plumbing, cables, and wires that enter your home. It’s also a good idea to install door sweeps as this will not only keep centipedes and millipedes out but other pests as well.

Professional Centipede and Millipede Control

If you find yourself spotting more of these pests than you would like, Rentokil can help. Give us a call today.

Cockroach Insect Pests in Odgen, UT & Northern Utah; German, American, Oriental & Brown-Banded Cockroaches

There is one kind of pest that many people don’t want to deal with or have around their home and that is a cockroach. There is more than one type of cockroach that is crawling around your home and each one is distinguishable and can cause health trouble and even spread bacteria. That is why most people want to do all that they can to keep these pests away from their home and family as well. You may not want to take the time to look at the cockroach that is running past you but if you happen to catch a glimpse of it you can identify it and tell your pest control professional what you are dealing with.

Rentokil Lists Common Cockroaches Found in Utah.

German Cockroach: This is an extremely cockroach that is found all over the state of Utah. They are usually light brown coloring with two black lines that run down their backs. They do have wings but tend to never fly if they can help it. They are much more agile and quicker when they run away rather than flying away. They are a larger cockroach and can reach more than a half an inch when they are fully grown. The males and females are very similar in the look but the males are lighter in color while the females can be a little wider.
American Cockroach: If you run into a big fat cockroach, you are most likely staring down an American cockroach! They are the biggest cockroach in the area since the adults reach about two inches in length. They are more of a burnt brown color and the females and males are very similar in their looks. The biggest difference is that the male’s lifespan is about 200 days and the females are double that at about 400 days! They also get along really well with the German cockroach so if you see one you most likely have the other.
Oriental Cockroach: If you see one of these cockroaches hanging around you will know it. They are very different than the other cockroaches that are crawling around because of their physical features. They are shiny black and have a set of wings that they can use to fly but usually won’t. They are more of an outdoor pest but have been known to come indoors in search of food. Watch out for these in your yard and garden, particularly near your trash cans too.
Brownbanded Cockroach: These are a species of cockroach that can be confused with others because of their coloring. They are about a half-inch in length and their color can range from brown, black, grey and even burnt orange. The interesting thing about this species is that both the males and females have wings but the males are the only ones that can actually fly. They like to be in places that are warmer so your home on a cold day is a great place to find them nesting and feeding.

Cockroach Control

If you want to keep cockroaches out of your home, call Rentokil today.

House Mouse Facts & Information in Richmond, UT; Characteristics, Diseases Spread such as Hantavirus & More

The house mouse is considered to be one of the most bothersome pests in the United States. Because mice have a higher population number than rats, they are more widespread. Mice are vermin; damaging and eating crops, causing structural damage and spreading diseases through their parasites and feces. Simply breathing the dust that has come into contact with mouse feces has been linked to hantavirus that can develop into hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS).

Characteristics of the House Mouse

Mice are small rodents with characteristically pointed snouts, small rounded ears, and a body-length scaly tail. Mice are mostly nocturnal and they make up for their poor eyesight with a keen sense of hearing. They also rely heavily on their sense of smell to find food and to avoid predators. House mice are great little gymnasts. They can climb and run up vertical surfaces with ease, run along with cables and ropes and are able to jump up to 13 inches from the floor onto a flat surface. They will eat seeds, cereal grains, or sweets; and just about anything else they can get their hands on. They don’t need much water and usually get all they need from the food they eat. They like to eat all day long and can eat about 10 to 15% of their body weight each day. They will continue to store food as long as it’s available.

How to Deter Mice from Your House

Mice have extremely high breeding rates if there are food, water, and shelter available, so it’s best to keep them out of your home. They will try to make their way indoors and build nests in ceiling voids, in walls, in storage boxes, inside upholstery, under appliances and in any void they can find. There are steps you can take to prevent them from finding their way inside. A house mouse is able to squeeze into an opening about the size of a dime, making it important to look for any openings and seal them. You will also need to seal off openings around utilities, vents, and pipes. To ensure mice will not begin chewing through the patching compound that you use, you need to make sure it is smooth on the surface. Make sure all your doors and screens have a tight fit and store all your processed or used food tightly in metal canisters, glass jars or resealable airtight containers.

Controlling House Mice

The most important step to control house mice is sanitation. It may not eliminate them but poor sanitation will attract them. Traps are an effective control method and they don’t rely on potentially dangerous poisons. Poison baits will be consumed by the mice and they will die. Sometimes sound and electronic devices may force mice to leave your home but a lot of the time the mice become used to the noises and if an infestation is well established they may do little to drive them away. If you start noticing rod-shaped droppings, clean holes made form gnawing, mouse tracks or worse yet an actual sighting of mice, you are likely sharing your living space with an infestation of house mice. Call Rentokil to take care of your rodent problem before the infestation keeps multiplying!

Utah’s Most Venomous Spider Bites List; Get Rid of Black Widow & Hobo Spiders

For most home and business owners, pest control is a common practice undertaken. We have routine schedules for pest control and management services that come out and spray to prevent pest infestations. Some may even choose to do their own pest control. However, the outside world is wild and full of dangerous pests. Above all, Rentokil is not here today to talk about controlling pests and preventing them. Right now we want to make people more aware of the dangerous and venomous spiders that might be roaming your yards and hiding in your homes.

Black Widow Spiders

At the top of our list is the Black Widow Spider. Black widows are found all over North America and more heavily in the southwestern United States. Mature females are solid black with a glossy shine. They have a distinctive red hourglass marking on the underside of their abdomen. Males can be tricky because they are smaller than the female and not so dark in color. Males will sometimes have a red hourglass and sometimes not, making the two harder to discern. The female bite is the one that is venomous. The bite from a male will just sting a bit. Black widows are not an aggressive species of spider. They only bite when they feel threatened. They usually hide in dark places during the day and come out at night to eat. The black widow spider’s bite is ranked one of the most venomous spiders, with venom 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake. However, their bite rarely results in death.

Hobo Spider Identification

Next on Utah’s spider watch list is the Hobo Spider. The hobo spider is common in the Pacific Northwest but has been known to live in Utah since the 1990s. The hobo spider is difficult to identify because they vary in appearance. There are some common traits they do carry though. They are typically light brown in color with a lighter stripe running down the middle of the sternum. Sometimes they have a V shape pattern down the middle, pointing towards the head. The female hobo spider has been known to be aggressive, especially when protecting her egg clutch. Hobo spiders are not good climbers and will spin a funnel shape web in a hole in the ground.

Venomous Spider Bites

Rentokil wants to help make you aware of these venomous spiders. If a bite occurs, you will need to call poison control and or get to the emergency room immediately. If possible bring the spider with you if you can’t identify your attacker. This will aid health care personnel in giving you the proper anti-venom antidote and proper care. Call us to control venomous spiders and other pests from your home or business today!

Interesting Facts About Rats & Mice; Social Structure, Constant Chewing, Not Drinking Water & More

The summer is about to come to an end and that means that a new season is close behind. The fall season brings with it beautiful cool weather, great colors outdoors and also pests galore. Many pests will stay outdoors when the weather is warm and when it changes and cools off the pests want to get in your house. One of the pests that are most prevalent is rodents since they are looking for a nice place to nest. Inside the walls of your home or in your attic is a great place for them to hang out. When rodents start to nest in your home they can be a real nuisance. They scratch the walls and can be noisy in the night while you are trying to sleep.

Rentokil Lists Interesting Facts About Rodents That You May Not Know.

Rats Social Structure: The majority of rodents don’t want to live alone and do better when they are in a family or group. They love to socialize and rodents such as rats have a hierarchy that they use for pecking orders. They have strong relationships with other rodents and that can last their entire life. The problem for you is that if you have one rodent you are sure to have more. Studies have found that rats and mice will show signs of depression when they are left alone without other rodents to enjoy their time with.
Rodents Chew: One of the characteristics that set a rodent apart from other pests are their distinct incisors. They are a set of teeth that will actually never stop growing and because of that, they chew through just about any kind of substance. They have been known to chew through wood, metal and even concrete to get what they want.
Eating Rats: This may not be a food that you want to have served up on a platter but it can be used as food as is in other countries. The meat of a rat can be cooked and served and is found in other parts of the world. Most people will do all they can to keep rats out of their food which includes regular pest control services.
Some Rodents Do Not Drink Water: One thing that you may find interesting about mice is that they don’t need to drink water to survive. They are actually able to get all the hydration that they need to survive through the foods that they eat. This means that you need to be much more cautious about food being left out rather than water that is available to them.
Rodent Come in Many Sizes: When people are asked about rodents most people say rats and mice but there are many more species. Coming across a rat is not fun but what is there was a rodent that was much bigger than that! There are around 2,000 different species of rodents found all over the world and some of them are larger than a house dog!

Rodent Pest Control

Rentokil offers expert pest control services including mice and rat rodent control. We also offer many specialty services such as event lighting and lawn care services. Contact us to schedule your next appointment!

Importance of Commercial Kitchen, Restaurant & Food Handling Pest Control & Exclusion in Hyrum, UT

Pest infestations can be devastating for any business but even more so if you have a restaurant, food handling or other food handling related business. Unfortunately, if you have food products at your disposal, it is synonymous with ringing the dinner bell and openly inviting all types of insects, rodents and even wildlife who are in search of a quick meal and new home. Safe food handling includes the effective control of disease-carrying pests which are imperative to ensuring the health and well-being of your clientele and employees. If the health department finds signs of pests at your business it could result in the property being temporarily closed along with ruining your reputation with the general public.

Importance of Pest Exclusion

The experienced professionals at Rentokil are the experts when it comes to eliminating and excluding pests from your restaurant or other food handling facility. Common pests found in and around food preparation areas include flies, cockroaches, and rodents along with other pests that are capable of contaminating food and the surrounding surfaces. If you are handling, preparing or storing food or food-related products at your facility, it means that the entire area must be free of pests and their waste products. Your customers do not want insects or rodents contaminating their food. Many pests can spread diseases and bacteria that can lead to food poisoning and dysentery which can make your clientele very sick.

Restaurant Pest Control Procedures

Restaurants are constantly under attack from insects and rodents which can be found in many areas including kitchens, dining rooms, and food storage areas. An audit from the health department with a low score tells your customers that you have a pest problem which can have a detrimental effect on your business resulting in lost sales, product recalls, compensation claims, legal prosecution, and loss of loyal customer confidence and revenue. The knowledgeable pest control technicians at Rentokil will work with you to ensure that the pest control services we provide are customized to your unique set of circumstances.

Commercial Pest Inspections & Custom Treatment Plans

Services include a thorough inspection of your property inside and out, assessment of your specific pest control issues and a solution to eliminate and exclude pests from your property. At Rentokil, our pest control technicians are highly trained when it comes to food handling regulations. Our primary concern is to remove pest infestations and create an exclusion barrier to stop insects and rodents from returning to your business. We examine the building and customize a comprehensive treatment plan by providing the best pest control and prevention methods available in today’s competitive market. We are familiar with the strict guidelines set up by the state for food handling and pest control and we understand that your business is unique.

Commercial Pest Management

For more information regarding commercial pest control in Northern Utah and surrounding areas, contact our experienced pest control professionals today. At Rentokil, our priority is to provide your restaurant or food-handling facility with the highest level of protection available so you can focus on your primary concern, your customers.

Getting Rid of Fruit Flies, Eye Gnats & Fungus Gnats in Your Tremonton, UT House & Yard

When flies are buzzing around, you probably don’t take too close of a look. You just want them away from you. However, you may wonder if they’re fruit flies or gnats. Fruit flies and gnats are both tiny insects that annoy a lot of people but are completely different.

Physical Differences Between a Fruit Fly, Eye Gnats & Fungus Gnats

You probably will not get close enough to a gnat or fruit fly that’s bothering you to notice that they don’t all look exactly the same. Mature fruit flies are generally beige or brownish-orange color and roughly 1/8th of an inch long. Eye gnats are usually glossy and black and around 1/16th of an inch long. Fungus gnats are generally deep gray or black. When they reach maturity, they are usually about 1/8 of an inch long.

Where Are Fruit Flies & Gnats Found?

The fruit fly species are found across the globe. They can live up to 30 days and reproduce very quickly. Fruit flies are the ones that you usually see in the kitchen. They are found in warm and wet areas with airflow. They are named fruit flies because they invade fruits and vegetables and are prevalent at the end of the summer and during the fall season. They are particularly fond of mature fruit. If you’re outside and find yourself waving your hands around you, chances are you’re dealing with gnats, rather than fruit flies. Gnats are generally found outdoors. Fungus gnats will be found in moist outdoor soil and will spend a lot of time in rotting organic matter, so you may see them near compost piles. They may find their way inside and find an area to breed. Eye gnats, like fungus gnats, live outside.

Gnat or Fruit Fly Infestation Prevention

If you see little pests flying around, chances are you have an infestation somewhere. Getting rid of fruit flies in your home is very difficult. Regularly wiping counters, cleaning spills and emptying your trash cans help to prevent fruit fly infestations. After you have located the breeding ground, other fly control methods can be added. Eradication may require several treatments and the absence of food for them will eventually cause them to die out. You will also need to locate the food source with gnats. Correct any problems and prevent fruit from exposed, open air. Keeping food stored in the refrigerator protects it from gnats and will also keep your fruit from spoiling sooner.

Fruit Fly & Gnat Control

Fruit flies can carry diseases, bacteria, and viruses and they enjoy rotting food. Females of some species of gnats feed on blood and have been known to carry parasites and spread diseases to humans. Not only are these pests extremely annoying, but they can also be harmful to your health. Most at-home efforts to eradicate these pests will not properly treat the entire infestation, it’s best to consult a pest control professional. Call Rentokil today.

Tips to Keep Your Lawn Green in Summer Heat of Brigham City, UT; Use Fertilizer, Aerate, Water & Mow Correctly

Green grass is part of the beauty summertime has to offer. However, in the heat of the summer, it can be hard to keep that grass a beautiful shade of green. You don’t want to find yourself battling dead or bare patches of grass in your yard this summer. Rentokil is here to share some tips that will help you keep your grass green in the heat of the summer.

Use Fertilizer to Make Grass Green in Hot Weather

When you are trying to attain that perfect shade of green this summer, make sure you are using fertilizer. It is important to give your lawn the nutrients that it needs. The easiest way to do this is with fertilizer. Fertilizers usually come in granule or liquid form and can be synthetic or organic. No matter which one you choose, they will promote lush, green grass.

Best Time to Water Lawn in Summer

If you are watering your lawn in the middle of the day, you should make some changes right away. Not only is it a waste of water because of evaporation, but your lawn also isn’t getting the water it needs to be healthy and green. The best time to water your lawn is in the early morning. If you water during the night, your lawn will be too damp for too long and end up having the perfect conditions for lawn disease. By watering in the morning, your lawn can use sunlight to effectively make use of the water it just received. Don’t water every day either. If you water less frequently, the roots of your lawn won’t be shallow and they will be stronger. This will help your lawn look healthier too.

Mow Grass High or Low

Mow your grass at the right height. If you are cutting your lawn too low, it will dry out quicker. Make sure your lawnmower blades are at the height so your lawn looks neat and tidy, but has enough length that it won’t dry out as quickly during the heat of the day.

Aerate Your Lawn

Your lawn needs extra oxygen to breathe. A great way to get this is by aerating your lawn. Your lawn will absorb water more efficiently this way as well. This can be done with a push aerator or a machine powered one. Either way, it will help your lawn breath better and be greener in the process.

Use Cool Water on Your Lawn

When you are watering your lawn, you should always make sure the water is cool. Using hot water on your lawn will damage it rather than help it. If water has been sitting in your hose, it can get very hot. Clear the water out of the hose before tending to your grass to avoid hurting it.

Having green grass during the summer is not an unattainable goal. The steps listed above are not difficult things. It takes a very small amount of time and energy to have a beautiful lawn to enjoy all summer long. Rentokil can assist you with any problems you might be having when it comes to having a healthy, green lawn. In addition to troubleshooting the cause of your brown lawn or bare spots, we offer lawn care, weed control, insect and disease treatments as well as tree and shrub deep root fertilization and more. Call us today!