How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Utah

American cockroaches in Utah - RentokilOn Earth, there are more than 4,500 cockroach species. Of these, only about 30 of them that are considered pests to people, and four of them are common to Utah’s borders. They include the German, American, Oriental, and brown-banded cockroach, all of which can be a nuisance to deal with in your home. Roaches are frequently found in homes, businesses, trash heaps, sewers, and nearly anywhere else they want to be. It’s important to always be on the lookout for signs of cockroaches in your house—seeing even one is often an indicator of many more nearby. The experts at Rentokil are here to share all you need to know about roaches in Utah and beyond.

Types of Cockroaches Found in Utah

  1. American Cockroach
    • Among the largest species of roaches in the country, American cockroaches can reach approximately 2” long.
    • They have a distinctive yellowish band by the head, and varying degrees of reddish-brown or chestnut brown coloring on their bodies.
    • Despite having wings, they rarely fly because their flight patterns look awkward and clumsy.
    • Their incredible speed enables them to scuttle around or escape quickly.
    • Eating nearly anything in sight, they are often caught devouring crumbs or exposed leftovers after human meals, paper products, glue, pet food, and whatever organic material they come across.
  2. Brown-Banded Cockroach
    • These are a brownish color and feature lighter brown stripes across their bodies.
    • Brown-banded roaches are approximately 1 ¼” long.
    • These roaches are like most roaches and are notably opportunistic eaters, favoring book bindings, wallpaper glue, and stamps.
  3. German Cockroach
    • German roaches are dark brown with stripes running the length of their bodies,
    • When fully grown, they are about 1¼” long.
    • German cockroaches also have wings but don’t fly.
    • These cockroaches favor fermented foods but will eat many things.
    • German cockroaches require warmer and humid areas to live in more so than other cockroach species.
    • They will look for shelter during the winter months and most will venture back outside in the warmer months.
  4. Oriental Cockroach
    • These roaches look quite different, as they are shiny and black or reddish-brown in color.
    • Oriental roaches grow to be about 1″ long.
    • They are often found living in sewers and garbage heaps, as they prefer consuming organic matter.

How to Prevent All Cockroaches

Cockroaches are not only grotesque, but dangerous. With how much they come into contact with, they can spread a lot of germs and bacteria. In fact, they are responsible for spreading as many as 33 types of bacteria alone. Roaches are also linked to triggering allergy problems. If you are experiencing problems with any of these cockroaches, it’s time to call in the experts. The roach exterminators at Rentokil will keep you roach-free all year long.

5 Steps For a Pest-Free Garage

Learn how to prevent pests in the garage in Southern Utah and Northern Idaho - RentokilMany of us have pulled out holiday decorations or old photo albums from our garages only to be met with evidence of pests. Spiders, rodents, and silverfish are some of the most common pests that infest garages, but why? Your garage is in fact a haven for pests with its dark corners and endless food supplies. In order to keep pests away from your garage, it’s important to learn how to make it less inhabitable in the first place. The team at Rentokil is here with their top tips for achieving a pest-free garage year-round.

How to Get a Pest-Free Garage

Keeping pests out of your garage requires many of the same procedures you’d take to prevent them inside your home. This includes:

  1. Installing weather stripping and using silicone-based caulk to seal cracks and crevices.
  2. Promptly fixing moisture issues by repairing leaky pipes and using a dehumidifier.
  3. Storing all food, decorations, and other goods in plastic bins with tight-fitting lids instead of cardboard boxes.
  4. Keeping your garage clean and tidy by blowing it out once a month and sweeping when necessary.
  5. Storing all items up off of the ground when possible, and staying as organized as possible.

What Pests Are Common in the Garage?

From cardboard boxes to dusty corners, garages can provide ample shelter for many types of pests. Especially in the winter months, rodents are known to inhabit garages. They will nest in boxes or even make their way into your car for warmth. Spiders are other common garage pests that like to make their webs in boxes and corners. Silverfish are tiny insects that will feed on paper, glue, clothing, and more in your garage. Lastly, flies can be a major garage pest problem in the summer if you leave your garage door open on hot days.

Prevent Pests Throughout Your Property

Dealing with pests anywhere inside or outside your property can be frustrating and even downright dangerous. If you are having trouble keeping pests out of your garage, the expert technicians at Rentokil can help!