How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Utah

American cockroaches in Utah - RentokilOn Earth, there are more than 4,500 cockroach species. Of these, only about 30 of them that are considered pests to people, and four of them are common to Utah’s borders. They include the German, American, Oriental, and brown-banded cockroach, all of which can be a nuisance to deal with in your home. Roaches are frequently found in homes, businesses, trash heaps, sewers, and nearly anywhere else they want to be. It’s important to always be on the lookout for signs of cockroaches in your house—seeing even one is often an indicator of many more nearby. The experts at Rentokil are here to share all you need to know about roaches in Utah and beyond.

Types of Cockroaches Found in Utah

  1. American Cockroach
    • Among the largest species of roaches in the country, American cockroaches can reach approximately 2” long.
    • They have a distinctive yellowish band by the head, and varying degrees of reddish-brown or chestnut brown coloring on their bodies.
    • Despite having wings, they rarely fly because their flight patterns look awkward and clumsy.
    • Their incredible speed enables them to scuttle around or escape quickly.
    • Eating nearly anything in sight, they are often caught devouring crumbs or exposed leftovers after human meals, paper products, glue, pet food, and whatever organic material they come across.
  2. Brown-Banded Cockroach
    • These are a brownish color and feature lighter brown stripes across their bodies.
    • Brown-banded roaches are approximately 1 ¼” long.
    • These roaches are like most roaches and are notably opportunistic eaters, favoring book bindings, wallpaper glue, and stamps.
  3. German Cockroach
    • German roaches are dark brown with stripes running the length of their bodies,
    • When fully grown, they are about 1¼” long.
    • German cockroaches also have wings but don’t fly.
    • These cockroaches favor fermented foods but will eat many things.
    • German cockroaches require warmer and humid areas to live in more so than other cockroach species.
    • They will look for shelter during the winter months and most will venture back outside in the warmer months.
  4. Oriental Cockroach
    • These roaches look quite different, as they are shiny and black or reddish-brown in color.
    • Oriental roaches grow to be about 1″ long.
    • They are often found living in sewers and garbage heaps, as they prefer consuming organic matter.

How to Prevent All Cockroaches

Cockroaches are not only grotesque, but dangerous. With how much they come into contact with, they can spread a lot of germs and bacteria. In fact, they are responsible for spreading as many as 33 types of bacteria alone. Roaches are also linked to triggering allergy problems. If you are experiencing problems with any of these cockroaches, it’s time to call in the experts. The roach exterminators at Rentokil will keep you roach-free all year long.

Are Roaches Worse in Summer or Winter?

Cockroaches are common in the summer and winter in Northern Utah and Southern Idaho - RentokilWhen it comes to cockroaches, no one wants to find them in their house…ever! The answer to whether roaches are worse in summer or winter is a trick question, as it depends on the species. No matter whether we’re experiencing hot or cold weather, roaches are going to look for ways to take shelter inside your home. And if they find plentiful food and water sources, why go anywhere else? Sometimes, it is common for people to let their guard down in the winter months. But if anything, it’s important to take extra precautions in the wintertime to keep pests from hunkering down with you. Keep reading to learn Rentokil’s best tips to keep roaches out of your home this winter and year-round.

Seasonal Cockroach Prevention

Seeing even one cockroach is indicative of a possible infestation indoors. If you want to avoid the discovery of roaches in your home, it’s important to learn how to prevent them in the first place. Our best tips include:

1. Keep Your House Clean & Uncluttered to Keep Roaches Away

Cockroaches can adapt to any environment but are especially attracted to filth. 

  • Keep all of your food stored in airtight containers and don’t leave any dirty dishes out overnight. They don’t care if the food is fresh or rotten, they will eat it.
  • Along the same lines, you should take your trash out regularly to avoid attracting these pests.
  • Get rid of any clutter in your house that gives them the perfect place to hide out during the day. These nocturnal pests are looking for cover when the sun comes out, so make sure you aren’t supplying them with that.

2. Remove Water Sources to Prevent Cockroaches

These pests are looking for three basic elements: food, warmth, and water.

  • If you have any leaking pipes or standing water anywhere, you want to have them repaired for more reasons than structural damage. This standing water gives cockroaches the moisture they need to survive and will attract them just as fast as food sources.
  • Wipe up spills quickly from the floor, especially around your pets’ food and water bowls.

3. Seal Your Home Off From Roaches

Make sure you aren’t allowing cockroaches an easy way into your home.

  • Seal any cracks or holes that are present in your foundation or around your windows and doors. They can get through even the smallest cracks so fill them all in.
  • If there are any gaps around the plumbing leading into your home, make sure you seal them off with some caulking. The plumbing is one of the main areas that cockroaches will go to since they are looking for water.

4. Don’t Bother with Ineffective Store-Bought Insect Spray

Using insect sprays in your house will likely not solve a cockroach problem.

  • Cockroach sprays are designed to be contact killers. This means that they may get rid of the cockroaches that you see, but where you see one, there are many more you can’t see.
  • Additionally, some of these store-bought insecticides are dangerous and can be harmful to your children or pets when mishandled.

How to Prevent Cockroaches Year-Round

The best way to keep cockroaches out of your home is with an integrated pest control program. The professionals at Rentokil have the training and resources needed to keep cockroaches from entering your home with regularly scheduled pest management services. We can monitor your home to ensure you don’t have cockroaches or any other insects and spiders infesting your home no matter what time of the year it is. Contact our roach exterminators today to learn more!

Summertime Cockroach Infestations

Cockroaches are a common summertime problem in Northern Utah and Southern IdahoIf you’ve ever had a cockroach infestation, you know how frustrating they can be. Unfortunately, we’re in the midst of “cockroach season” here in Utah and Idaho. Cockroaches are out in full force due to their attraction to warm, humid weather. While they are a pest problem all year long, it’s important to stay wary of their activity in the summer months. Their populations can explode in numbers, which is why you need to learn how to prevent roaches from making their way indoors. The team at Rentokil is here with expert info on keeping summer cockroach infestations under control.

Why Are Roaches Common in the Summer Months?

Cockroaches are known for their ability to withstand various environments and conditions. Although they are around in the winter, they are most common and active in the summer months. The rising temperatures encourage roaches to resume activity and breed at a rapid rate. This can be dangerous when they get inside your home. Roaches are elusive and good hiders, meaning you likely have a lot more roaches than you assume if you are dealing with an infestation. Humid temperatures are a big attractant, which is why infestations are so often centralized in kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and more.

6 Ways to Keep Summertime Cockroaches Out

A cockroach infestation is messy and even dangerous. Because they commonly try to make their way inside this time of year, it’s important to learn how to make your property less attractive to them. Our top cockroach prevention tips are as follows.

  1. Inspect the perimeter of your home and seal cracks and crevices. Seal windows and doors or install screens.
  2. Regularly clean your property, focusing on bathrooms and kitchens.Wipe or clean up any spills or crumbs ASAP.
  3. After feeding your pets, pick up pet bowls and avoid leaving food out overnight.
  4. Keep all food securely sealed in airtight containers, and refrigerate unsealed food.
  5. Seal all garbage cans with a tight-fitting lid, and routinely take it out when needed.
  6. Avoid leaving piles of clutter or junk both inside and outside of your property.
  7. Cockroaches love moisture, meaning it’s important to fix any leaky pipes or clogged rain gutters.

Cockroach Control Solutions

If you have a cockroach problem in your property, it’s important to act quickly. DIY cockroach control rarely works—if you want roaches out of your property quickly, it’s best to enlist the help of a professional cockroach exterminator. At Rentokil, our team is committed to keeping you and your family safe from the dangers of roaches all year long.

Can Pests Trigger Springtime Allergies?

Pests may trigger your springtime allergies in Northern Utah and Southern Idaho - RentokilFew places are as beautiful as Northern Utah and Southern Idaho in the springtime. Unfortunately, springtime also means spring allergies! This time of year, many residents are suffering from runny noses and itchy eyes, among other seasonal allergy symptoms. But is it the weather causing your allergies, or something else? A little known fact is that pests like roaches, dust mites, rodents, and more could be behind the allergy symptoms so many people are experiencing this time of year.

Here at Rentokil, we are committed to helping our customers learn how to reduce pest-related allergens in the home.

Prevention Tips for Pest Allergens

To avoid exacerbating your seasonal allergies, it’s important to reduce pest allergens in your home as much as possible. Basic pest prevention goes a long way to eliminate these allergens:

  • Store food in sealed containers and clean kitchens on a daily basis.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly and use a tight-fitting lid.
  • Seal cracks and holes in homes, including entry points for utilities and pipes, screen doors, and windows.
  • Keep your basements and crawl spaces well-ventilated and dry!
  • Wash blankets, rugs, and bedding in hot water or get them dry-cleaned.
  • Vacuum and dust your property frequently.
  • Keep pet food sealed in a tight container and wash food bowls.

What Pests Cause Allergies and Asthma?

Pest infestations can be dangerous for many reasons, from structural damage to disease. But they can cause allergies, as well! The biggest culprit is cockroaches–roach skins, droppings, and more have all been proven to trigger allergic reactions and asthma. Children are especially vulnerable to these types of allergies. Other pests include stinging insects, from yellow jackets and wasps to fire ants. A sting from any of these can cause an allergic reaction in certain individuals.

**If you experience severe symptoms of an allergic reaction such as swelling, wheezing, dizziness, or trouble breathing, call 911 or get medical attention immediately!

Getting Rid of Pests and Allergens

To stay safe from pest allergens, you need to stay safe from pests! If you’ve done all you can to prevent pests but are still dealing with them, it’s time to call the experts at Rentokil. Our team will work with you to customize a pest control plan suited to your unique needs.

The German Cockroach: 10 Facts to Keep in Mind

German cockroaches are one of the biggest roach problems in the Northern Utah and Southern Idaho region - Rentokil

Cockroach infestations are one of the most feared, and for good reason. Not only are roaches a gross sight to behold, they also contaminate surfaces and carry potentially dangerous pathogens and diseases. The German cockroach in particular is feared for their ability to breed at rapid rates, making it easy for them to quickly spread throughout an entire property. German roaches are most commonly found in homes, multi-family units, restaurants, food processing facilities, hotels, and more, making them a constant threat to all property owners.

In this blog post, the experts at Rentokil share 10 facts to keep in mind about the German cockroach.

German Cockroach Habits & Behaviors

Because German cockroaches are such a common problem in properties throughout Northern Utah and Southern Idaho, it’s important to learn their habits and behaviors. The top things to know about German cockroaches include:

  1. German roaches can be identified by their pronotum (protective plate behind the head), which has two longitudinal dark stripes.
  2. German cockroaches have an extremely quick rate of reproduction. They can quickly spread throughout a building.
  3. The ootheca (egg case) of the German roach contains between 35–40 eggs, which take a month to hatch.
  4. These roaches are most commonly found in residential and commercial kitchens or bathrooms.
  5. German cockroaches typically prefer areas of high temperatures and high humidity.
  6. They live indoors primarily. They are only found outdoors occasionally in warm weather.
  7. German cockroaches can carry or transmit diseases and pathogens that may be dangerous to humans.
  8. German cockroach infestations may cause severe asthmatic reactions in some people.
  9. They are able to climb on smooth surfaces because they have a sticky pad on their feet.
  10. German cockroaches prefer to stay hidden in dark areas. They are often found inside walls, behind cabinets, inside appliances, and other rarely accessed areas.

How to Prevent German Roach Infestations

If you want to avoid dealing with the frustrations of a German cockroach infestation, it’s important to be proactive about preventing them in the first place. As we all know, roaches are attracted to filth and clutter. The key to keeping them away, then, is to maintain a tidy property! To keep them out, make sure to keep all food in sealed containers and secure your garbage cans securely. Lastly, continually check on dark, undisturbed spots in your home or business for evidence of roach activity.

What to Do When you Have German Cockroaches

If you’ve done all you can to keep German roaches out of your property and have spotted them in your property regardless, it’s time to call the exterminators at Rentokil. Our team will thoroughly inspect your property for the roaches before coming up with a German roach removal plan suited to your needs. Our goal is to keep you roach free all year long!