A number of spider species will invade homes during the winter season. Spiders will invade homes for a few reasons; one is to escape the cold. Since other insects will also invade homes for a reliable food source and to also get out of the cold, spiders can often rely on other invading insects for food. While many spider species don’t pose a serious threat, some can. During the winter season, some of the most dangerous spider species will invade your home. Rentokil will share the top three most venomous spiders you may find hiding in your home this winter season.
Black Widow Spiders
Black widows are well known as a venomous species of spiders and can be found in Utah and throughout America. Black widow spiders have an icon symbol and are easily identified, the female particularly. They are larger than the males and are all black with the deep red hourglass marking on the bottom of their abdomen. Females also have that robust circular abdomen while the males are much smaller and have an angular shaped abdomen. Black widow spider bites are most deadly to young children and the elderly and can be very painful. Black widow spiders like to hide in dark places during the day and come out at night to feed.
Hobo Spiders
Hobo spiders don’t have a venomous bite like brown recluse or black widow spiders. What makes them dangerous is their attitude. They are very aggressive spiders and they have a painful bite. Their bites can cause the site to swell and throb with constant pain. The swelling and pain will fade over the course of a few days. Hobo spiders build funnel webs. The females will protect their egg sacs which are when most bites occur. Hobo spiders will invade homes, shed or garages. They can withstand the colder temperatures better than other species but will venture inside in search of food.
Wolf Spiders
Wolf spiders are often mistaken for tarantula spiders. The easiest way to identify them is by their eight eyes arranged in three rows. Females are generally larger than the males of these species and females carry their egg sac and babies on their backs. When wolf spiders bite, you may see fang marks and torn skin. Redness, swelling, and pain can occur for up to 10 days. Wolf spider bites are not as dangerous as the black widows or hobo spiders but they can lead to further complications.
How to Prevent Spiders
To protect your home from spiders, start by sealing your home and prevent spiders and other pests from invading during the winter season. However, the best way to keep spiders out is by proactively treating the exterior of your home. This will stop any spiders and insects before they work their way into your home.
Spider Control
If you need the service of a quality pest control service, contact Rentokil. We provide pest control, lawn care and even holiday light installation services. To schedule our services, contact Rentokil today.
How to Keep Venomous Spiders Out of Your Orem, UT House, Garage & Shed this Winter in Salt Lake County and Northern Utah
Serving Northern Utah and Southern Idaho since 1999