Top Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Pest Control Company

Top Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Pest Control Company in Utah or Idaho - RentokilWhen it comes to pest control, you want to work with the best in the business. In general, there are several factors to consider when choosing a pest control company. Transparency, safety, and a good reputation are just three of the many traits of a trustworthy exterminator. At Rentokil, we know that you have the safety of your home and family at the top of your priority list. To ensure you are choosing the right exterminator for you, we are sharing the top questions to always ask of your exterminator. Read on to learn more.

How to Choose the Best Pest Control Company

Whether you’re a new homeowner looking to get pest control or want to switch companies, here are the top 4 questions to ask:

1. Are your pest control treatments safe for my family and pets?

When you work with a professional, pest control is completely safe for you and your family. In fact, trying to administer pest control products you picked up from your local store is actually more dangerous. Always choose a company that:

    • Uses EPA-approved products
    • Is committed to an eco-friendly approach
    • Focuses on pest prevention and IPM practices

2. Are the pest control technicians trained and licensed?

A trustworthy pest control company will be able to show that they have comparable licenses and insurance to the most established and reputable exterminators. When you work with a company like Rentokil, you can trust that their accreditations are displayed for their customers.

In addition, look for companies that regularly train their technicians on the latest and greatest methods in the pest control industry. This will always put that company above the rest.

3. What is your pest control process?

Any pest control expert knows there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every pest infestation. Always look for a company that will work with you to customize a pest control plan suited to the unique needs of your home or business. This is best done with:

    • Regular inspections of your property to pinpoint pest problems or issues that may contribute to future pest problems.
    • Customized pest control plans that focus on targeted treatments around your home and exclusion efforts to keep pests away.
    • Open communication. A good pest control company is transparent with you about the treatments needed on your property.

4. Does your company get good reviews?

Online reviews can make or break a company. When choosing the right exterminator, make sure to check out their ratings and reviews on Google or their website. If a pest control company is truly professional, they should have nothing to hide. If you can’t find a link to their reviews on their website, ask to see what customers have said about them.

Utah and Idaho’s Trusted Pest Control Experts

If you’re looking to work with a pest control company you can trust, look no further than Rentokil. We are proud to earn the trust of every business we work with by providing friendly, effective, reliable pest control. Reach out to us today to get started!

Tips to Control Pests that Come Out in Spring

Wasp coming out for spring in Richmond, UT - RentokilAs the weather warms up, people are starting to spend more and more time outside. As the world around us seems to come back to life, so do the throngs of pests that have been laying low all winter. All sorts of pests live around Northern UT and Southern ID, so it’s important to learn how to keep your home protected from all of them. 

Why Do Bugs Come Out in Spring?

The combination of moisture from rainfall and rising temperatures that spring brings makes insect lives easier. Plants and prey are in newfound abundance, and they are hungry and thirsty after months of hibernation or low activity. These conditions also provide the right environment for many pests to start breeding. Mosquitoes, in particular, are notorious for taking over after rainy springs. This is because mosquitoes lay their eggs on standing water, which accumulates in our yards after rainfall. Some ways to prevent mosquitoes and other spring pests are:

  • Pour out standing water in your yard
  • Cover pools, birdbaths, and spas when not in use
  • Eliminate moisture in your house by keeping it properly ventilated
  • Keep your lawn mowed and your trees trimmed regularly

Common Spring Bugs

What other bugs can we expect here this spring? Our technicians at Rentokil have seen many different kinds of infestations year after year, including:

  1. Ants. Many different kinds of ants come out in the spring, looking to start building their colonies. Depending on your species, they will construct their homes in the ground around your home or in your wooden walls. They’re on the hunt for food and moisture, so make sure to clean up your spills and keep your food sealed and concealed.
  2. Bees and wasps. There might already be bees or wasps in your home that have been trying to keep warm through the winter. Once the weather gets warmer, they’ll go out in search of a new place to nest and lay eggs. This could mean your roofing, awnings, or backyard, so if you notice an uptick in bees buzzing around your house, let your local bee removal experts know so that they can be removed harmlessly.
  3. Flies and fleas. As your pets decide to spend more and more time outside, the opportunity for a fly or flea outbreak will rise. Taking your trash out and minimizing the amount of time you leave your doors and windows open will improve your chances of keeping your home pest-free. Installing screens on windows and doors will also help!

Spring Pest Control Experts

As pest season sets in, you might find yourself with new unforeseen problems. No matter what kind of pests you find in your home, the pest control experts at Rentokil have the solution to remove them and ensure that they don’t come back. We have been serving our customers around Northern Utah and Southern Idaho since 1999, building up the experience to be the best in the business. Contact us today for a free quote!